
first posting

My summer was very fine! I spend most of my summer vacation for my circle (Modern Music Society: a jazz big band) activities. We have five days activity from 13:00 to 18:00 (or more) in a week,  and during summer we took part in three jazz competition. We went on a training camp for one week, and once, we arranged a camp on Gunma prehecture for purely playing and enjoying.  Through this activities,  we could not only get along with each members, but also contact a friendship with students of other college's big band.

A pleasant summer gone. My main aim of ARW Autumn is,  fixing a soud foundation which we have done since spring term, such clearly showing my own opinion in a correct form.  Then, I think my experience to writing or speaking English is not sufficient, so I should do that.  Above all, I want to enjoy the class.

3 件のコメント:

  1. Nice start on the blog, Karin! Your jazz band activity sounds really fun. -Mark

  2. seemed enjoy your summer, Karin :) I didn't know that you are so crazy for jazz! Please tell me more about your circle!

  3. I am glad you visited my home town Gunma! Which part of Gunma did you visit?
